Who, What, Why

Who What Why : Kashi Chellen

2nd February 2018

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Who are you listening to at the moment?

At the moment I’m listening to an album called Rockisdead by an artist called Dorothy, I’ve had it on repeat constantly as I just love the vibe! As well as the xx ‘I See You’ album which is fab.

What do you love about Brighton?

My favourite thing about Brighton is probably the diversity; I love meeting people from all walks of life, people of every ethnicity, orientation, and who have different interests and hobbies.

Why Event Management?

I decided on the Event Management course because I feel like it’ll equip me with all the necessary skills to do a range of jobs. The skills and knowledge are completely transferable so I don’t feel boxed in career-wise which is excellent.

Discover how you can join us here in Brighton on Event Management and kickstart your career in the music industry here…
