
Why you should choose our Film Business & Production degree

25th June 2024

If you’re passionate about the business side of film and you have an entrepreneurial mind and ambitions to pave a career in a booming industry, then our BA (Hons) Film Business & Production degree could be the choice for you.

This degree, which we currently teach in Brighton and Manchester, reflects the current demand for graduates who are equipped with the vital creative and business skills to navigate the modern film, screen and media environment.

Now more than ever, the industry is in need of industry-ready professionals. The British film industry is booming; film and high-end television production in the UK could be worth £7.66 billion by 2025 and require nearly 21,000 more crew under newly published detailed analysis.

The research, which was commissioned by ScreenSkills, estimates that continued growth will require the equivalent of between 15,130 and 20,770 additional full-time crew within three years.

Those are just some of the many reasons to consider studying for a business-focussed degree. But don’t take our word for it; we’ve spoken to some Screen and Film School students about their experiences of the course so far.

“I chose the Film Business & Production degree due to it being more specialised than other business degrees that I had seen. I was originally enrolled at a different university, and the equivalent business degree there was less interesting as it was mostly theory based and didn’t apply to industry. The Screen and Film School degree allows me to explore the business side of film without analysing films too heavily.

My favourite element of this degree so far are our lectures. What we’re being taught is as cutting-edge as possible, which helps us to understand the movement of the film industry. On top of this, they also help us to learn skills that can be applied to mostly any job. In the future I would love to work as a film producer or distributor, or perhaps in the marketing department for a big company, where the skills we are learning now can be adapted. The skills we have learnt so far are largely based on networking and learning to use the industry in a way to progress your career.”

– Tiyana Nayee, Screen and Film School Brighton

“I started by completing my apprenticeship in marketing, where I wanted to develop my skill sets in creativity. However, it seemed the career wasn’t ideal for me. I decided to scout around to find out what I was passionate about, then came across Screen and Film School. I booked myself a tour and quickly realised the considerable value that the degree could provide me with. It all seemed to still align with my passion for advertising and film content.

One of our lecturers advised me to focus on my credentials and work experience as this is as valuable in the industry as anything else. The academic side is only as practical as what you do in the course.

I believe the business skills in the film industry are adaptable for such things as pitching your idea, distributing films and understanding the production process. I think my skills are diverse enough to apply for various production roles.

The standouts moments of my time at the Film School are always based around the team. I believe that being in a community of like-minded people who want to become a success will help anyone who chooses this course.”

– Nayan Sharma, Screen and Film School Manchester

“I first came across the Film Business & Production degree in early 2021 while in my first year of college. What appealed to me most was that it was a film-oriented course, but offered education in business skills and knowledge that were more practical compared to what is offered on other film courses.

I really love my tutors. Emma and Isabelle tend to build up a great rapport with the whole class and utilise this to make sure we’re all on track and doing well. Furthermore, our tutors are always willing to give feedback in real-time and give you the opportunity to reflect, evaluate and rectify based on their feedback.

When I eventually complete my degree, I plan to stay at my current job as a marketing executive for a moderately sized horticulture company until I can find a job at a large studio. Before 2030, I hope to move to San Francisco, where there is currently a rapid expansion of film industry jobs and thus more opportunities.

Getting to know my peers and the next generation of British filmmakers has been a huge standout for me. It is a privilege and a gift to know a lot of these people and I’m very excited about collaborating with them going forward.”

– Ethan Lawrence, Screen and Film School Brighton

“The deeply integral connections to the local film industry are always present, more than anywhere else in the city, or perhaps even the country, so that’s definitely one of the most compelling factors that made me choose to study here.

Specifically, one of the tutors from the Film Business & Production degree has direct links to industry and is constantly in contact with major players. Having these big players interacting with lecturers in front of our eyes makes the course even more relevant and helps to teach us directly about the industry instead of just reading about how the industry works from an outdated textbook.

It’s always hands-on, we’re thrown in the deep end, and we all really feel as if we’re part of something big when working with others from different degree courses.

In the future, I’d love to have the chance to use everything I’m learning now, in the industry as that’s where my primary passion lies, but I do believe several of the skills I am learning and will continue to learn are transferable and could be used in different areas.

– Jack Stacey, Screen and Film School Brighton

That’s the word from inside the Film School about our Film Business & Production degree. Thanks to our brilliant students for their insights.



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