Next up to feature on our Who What Why feature is Emily Jane.
Here they are discussing their BIMM Dublin experience so far…
Who are you listening to at the moment?
I am willing to admit that I am a picky listener but certain artists are always on repeat for me. Irish band New Secret weapon‘s self titled album is just wonderfully put together, I lose 40 minutes of my life at least once a week to it. Another homegrown act Tongue Bundle’s Bungee Untold is just gold it constantly challenges me with each listen. Both bands are on the cusp of new releases and I am far too excited. You can listen to them both below.
What do you love about Dublin?
I spend a lot of time in this city walking, I walk everywhere and with that I have fallen in love with Dublin. Nothing beats the artwork on the walls near Harcourt street, the aromatic smells from the hidden cafes and restaurants, the amazing shops – in particular Musicmaker with such brilliant staff and homely feel, the great memories I cherish at the wonderful canal and most importantly the raucous sounds that infiltrate your ears when you walk around this city at night.
I feel part of a family here, since day one other musicians have always taken me under their wing and pushed me out of my comfort zone. This city raised me, and for that reason Dublin will always be one of my great loves.
Also, big thank you to the brilliant guys at Musicmaker for letting us up on their roof to get this shot!
Why Songwriting?
Well why not? Music is everything and for so long it just didn’t feel like a viable option for me. It just takes a little bit of courage and belief in yourself to make it happen. I had to fake my confidence, but by taking on this degree and seeing it through I have earned my confidence.
If you want to feature on the next Who What Why contact us at [email protected]