Who, What, Why

Who What Why : Alex Amos

16th March 2018

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Who are you listening to at the music?

I moved here being very focused on rock and metal music however being at BIMM and in Brighton has opened my eyes to a much wider range of music. I’m listening to, and playing, genres that I wouldn’t have even considered before being here. At the moment I’m listening to a lot of blues music (particularly Stevie Ray Vaughan and Josh Smith) and classic rock such as Whitesnake and Deep Purple.

What do you love about Brighton?

I love that I am surrounded by so many brilliant musicians. I really enjoy hearing so much brilliant music wherever I go in Brighton. There are so many opportunities in Brighton to be involved in live music. There are loads of venues, promoters, and labels in the area so it’s encouraging to know there are so many opportunities.

Why Guitar?

I’ve always loved playing guitar and being with other musicians. I enjoy seeing so many different musicians who play so many different styles and learning new things from them, as well as from the tutors. I’ve always struggled to understand what the important things to learn are and what makes a great musician but being at BIMM has taught me a lot of things that I otherwise wouldn’t have known and I think has improved me as a musician.

Study Guitar here at BIMM in Brighton and kickstart your #lifeinmusic
