BIMM_Lukas_Its your future_

BIMM University / It's Your Future / Music

It’s your future: Lukas

23rd July 2024

Lukas’ journey into the world of events management is a testament to their passion for live music and their determination to turn that passion into a thriving, sustainable career. 

There’s no doubt that Lukas’ experience at BIMM Birmingham has equipped them with the skills and confidence to pursue their dream career in the events industry.

Discovering my passion 

I’m Lukas and I study Events Management at BIMM Music Institute Birmingham. Events have always been a passion of mine. When I was 11, my mum got me tickets to see One Direction, and that concert became a core memory for me. Growing up, I went to countless shows at the O2 Academy, but it wasn’t until I was 16 that I realised I could turn this passion into a career. 

I initially studied Studio and Live Sound at college and didn’t enjoy it much, but I loved seeing how events worked behind the scenes. After lockdown, I decided to dive into the events world, and within a week, I was working my first gig at Nortons. From there, I built a network of contacts and seized every opportunity that came my way. Three years later, I’ve worked at incredible events like Truck Festival and 2000Trees Festival, and some of the same venues I grew up attending. 

Choosing BIMM Music Institute 

I was initially studying at a different university in London, but it didn’t last long. My partner, who was at BIMM London, suggested I give BIMM a try when we moved back to Birmingham. I was hesitant to return to university, but after working in hospitality for a while, I knew I needed a change. Encouraged by my partner and friends in the gig scene who had attended BIMM, I applied and was accepted quickly. Within three weeks, I was attending my first class. The fast application process was perfect for my last-minute decision, and I was thrilled to get started. 

The Birmingham campus has been a fantastic place to study. Located in Digbeth, a hub of creativity, the campus is perfectly situated for a creative degree. The specialised spaces like Motown and Abbey Road have been invaluable for my course in Events Management. Unlike working out of a live room, these spaces cater specifically to our needs, making the learning experience much more effective. 

Being a proud Brummie, I love the city and its vibrant culture. Birmingham boasts incredible venues like Hare and Hounds and Castle and Falcon, which are staples in the music scene. The city is also home to many great independent companies and a supportive LGBTQIA+ community, with places like Missing and Gales offering fantastic nights out. For those who don’t drink or prefer not to club, Birmingham LGBT offers amazing community groups. 


Highlights and opportunities 

One of my favourite modules has been Events and Society, where we explored events from sociological and anthropological perspectives. Learning from industry professionals like Andy Rea, Jason Hunt, and Martin Cox has been incredibly enriching. Andy makes even the most mundane tasks, like risk assessments, interesting, while Jason’s patient teaching and advocacy for students have been greatly appreciated. Martin’s knowledge of different cultures and perspectives on the music industry has broadened my understanding immensely. 

A standout tutor for me has been Kristian Birch-Hurst. Their dedication to helping students goes beyond the classroom. For our module requiring 30 hours of work experience, he assisted with industry role applications, giving me the confidence boost I needed. Thanks to him, I have several potential opportunities lined up. 

Looking ahead 

My ultimate goal is to become an event producer at a festival, though I’m not sure which one yet. In the meantime, I aim to build a career in artist liaison, a role I’ve discovered I excel at and love. It can be demanding, but the challenges excite me. 

To anyone considering BIMM, my advice is to seize every opportunity and know your worth. This industry is tough, especially for those of us from working-class backgrounds, but perseverance pays off. Build trust, reliability, and connections, but stay humble. Arrogance won’t get you far. Also, take advantage of the additional resources your lecturers provide; they will make your studies and future career much easier. 

My time at BIMM has been transformative, equipping me with the skills and confidence to pursue my dreams in the events industry. I look forward to what the future holds and am grateful for the experiences and support I’ve received along the way. 


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BIMM University

BIMM University provides an extensive range of courses in modern music, performing arts, filmmaking, and creative technology to over 8,000 students across 14 schools in the UK, Ireland, and Germany. We have a long-standing commitment to providing the highest quality in creative industries education, allowing students to maximise their career potential in an inclusive community built on a culture of shared passion, creativity, and collaboration. Berlin | Birmingham | Brighton | Bristol | Dublin | Essex | London | Manchester