It's Your Future

It’s your future: Hana

24th July 2024

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Hana Cox, a Production Design student at Screen and Film School Brighton, shares her inspiring journey into the world of production design. Reflecting on her motivations, experiences, and life in Brighton, Hana offers valuable insights for prospective students pursuing a career in the industry.

Discovering production design

Before deciding to go to university, I did a short NFTS Certified CraftSkills Qualification for Art Direction, which is when I first heard about production design. My tutor at the time told me that university had provided her with extremely valuable experiences, without the pressure of being in the workplace.

I chose the Production Design course at Screen and Film School because it offers the opportunity to explore the entire art department, rather than focusing on just one subject. This course gives me the time and freedom to develop my skills, and I’ll only start specialising towards the final year.

Choosing Screen and Film School

I attended an Applicant Day, and I really enjoyed the environment. It felt less intimidating than a larger university because there weren’t hundreds of students. The staff were all very friendly, which made it feel more like the previous college I attended, and I was happy about that.

After having an interview and visiting the campus, my mind was made up. Naturally, I was nervous to move across the country and I wondered how my life would change. It was a whirlwind of emotions: excitement, anticipation, and nerves.

Finding your people

It’s completely normal to feel intimidated when moving in with new people. My advice is to stay true to yourself, and be kind. Everyone is going through a similar experience of leaving home and making new friends. The right people will naturally gravitate towards you.

It might take time, and the people you connect with may change over time, but that’s all part of the experience. You’ll meet all sorts of people and not everyone will be your cup of tea. However, you may develop one, two, or more lasting friendships that could turn out to be some of the most special friendships in your life.

Life in Brighton

Brighton is a lovely place to study. There are so many things to do and the city is so colourful but, mainly, the people are nice. There is something for everyone here, which is why I think there is such a wide variety of people.

Highlights of the course so far

The whole of second year has been a big highlight for me. I have really been given the opportunity to dive into my studies.

It’s been very full on and the transition between the first and second year has been intense, but the class and I have all come together to support one another. Just having the emotional support makes a massive difference.

Support from tutors

Our Course Leader, Anna Deamer, has gone above and beyond to ensure our experience at the university is as good as possible, both academically and generally. She provides a comfortable environment for us to learn and develop our skills. She believes in us more than we believe in ourselves sometimes, and that support means a lot to us. Her experience in the industry and teaching has led her to be such a brilliant mentor. I owe most of what I know about the art department to Anna and what she has taught us.

Every one of the Production Design lecturers goes out of their way to help us and make sure we are getting the most out of our course. Our technicians are also amazing; they play a big part in what makes this course so enjoyable.

Future aspirations

I’d love to get into the art department for some high-end TV shows after graduating. I’d also love to work on feature films. I am mainly hoping to have fun, keep learning, and do what I love in the art department.

Advice for prospective students

The course is challenging in the best ways. You gain a newfound appreciation for production design and notice the beauty of film on a different level. You will get the best work out of this course and come out with a heavy portfolio of work.

I have made some of the best memories whilst living and studying in Brighton and, as my final year approaches, I’m getting increasingly jealous of people who are just starting!

As Hana continues her journey at Screen and Film School Brighton, she remains dedicated to exploring all aspects of production design, passionately seeking out what truly ignites her creativity.




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