Who, What, Why

Who What Why : Serena Robb

11th April 2017

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Who are you listening to at the moment?

At the moment I am listening to NAO, Sea Bed and Christine and the Queens amongst many other artists.

What do you love about Brighton?

Come rain or shine there is always something to do in Brighton. Whether it’s going to an open mic, restaurant, gig or even going for a walk down the lanes there is always something going on. I also love the fact that there are so many places to perform.

Why Vocals?

The best thing about my course is meeting other musicians that are like-minded. This course has definitely pushed me out of my comfortable zone and I have been able to explore different aspects within music that I otherwise wouldn’t have known about. I know it might sound cheesy but whatever you put in is what you get out.


If you want to feature on the next Who What Why contact us at [email protected]
