Track of the Week

Sianon – Boring, Happy, Beautiful

7th December 2020


We’re welcoming the new week with our brand new Track of the Week from BIMM Institute Brighton’s Sianon! Take a listen to their latest release “Boring, Happy, Beautiful” and discover more about the track below.

What was your inspiration when you began writing the track?

There was honestly just something in the air that day, as cliché as that sounds. It was last November and had suddenly turned really cold. I had walked around London before the session and I think that gave me a bit of inspiration without even realising. I remember Matt (who I co-wrote the song with) starting to play the main piano part and the first lyric: “I don’t know when it got so cold it just crept on up” kind of just fell into my lap and the song practically wrote itself from then on. It was definitely one of those magical moments and instantly became my favourite thing I’d ever written.

Are there any artists that inspire you when writing?

Taylor Swift always inspires me when writing. She’s an incredible storyteller and has such a unique way of phrasing things. Whenever I want to say something that I’ve heard in songs before a thousand times, I try to think of a different way to say it and I think that’s definitely down to being inspired by her.

What is key to your sound and how do you make your music stand out?

I’d say my sound is quite vocal-led. The vocal is always at the forefront of the song, and I think in a way that makes it a little more intimate. I try to put my personality and experiences into my lyrics as much as possible because I think that will always help your music stand out – if you’re completely yourself. No one else can ever be you.

How does your songwriting process work?

It always varies. Sometimes I’ll sit down, play around with a few chords and then a melody or lyric will just pop into my head and I’ll go from there. Other times, I’ll be sat on a train or walking down the street and lyrics will randomly come to me so I write everything down and whatever excites or interests me the most I bring into sessions or pull back up when I’m next sat writing a song.

Describe your sound in 3 words…

Honest, relatable, heartfelt.

How has studying at BIMM helped you develop as an artist?

BIMM helped me develop as an artist by allowing me to really take the time to discover my sound and the kind of music I wanted to make. The lecturers were so supportive and became more like friends as opposed to just university tutors, which I think is really special.

What’s next for you?

I’m releasing an EP early next year, which I’m so excited about. The songs that will be on it are exactly the songs I want to be making and are my best yet, so I can’t wait to just get them out there. I’d absolutely love to be able to play the ones I’ve released live, so fingers crossed live shows will return soon.

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BIMM University

BIMM University provides an extensive range of courses in modern music, performing arts, filmmaking, and creative technology to over 8,000 students across 14 schools in the UK, Ireland, and Germany. We have a long-standing commitment to providing the highest quality in creative industries education, allowing students to maximise their career potential in an inclusive community built on a culture of shared passion, creativity, and collaboration. Berlin | Birmingham | Brighton | Bristol | Dublin | Essex | London | Manchester