
Filmmaking Diploma Student Interview – Elle Brown

28th July 2023

Are you a mature student looking to pursue an interest in filmmaking? Maybe you already have a degree in another field and are looking to find a new career path within the UK film and TV industry. Or perhaps you are an experienced filmmaker looking to upskill whilst making new connections. In any case, our Filmmaking Diploma could be the perfect vehicle to help you achieve your creative goals. 

The Filmmaking Diploma covers everything from screenwriting to camera, lighting to sound, and pre-production to editing. It’s the perfect short course for those who are serious about practical filmmaking.  

Don’t just take our word for it. We recently spoke with upcoming Diploma graduate Elle Brown, who explained her reasons for studying on Screen and Film School Brighton’s flagship short course. 

What made you decide to study the Filmmaking Diploma at Screen and Film School Brighton 

I’ve always wanted to work in the film industry, but I saw it as a dream rather than an attainable goal. I thought the industry was too inaccessible and competitive – that someone like me, with no connections, could never break into. 

So, after graduating with my Media Studies degree in 2010, I went into marketing. Working in business for over ten years I became fairly successful, but there was always that itch that I wanted to scratch – the dream of film never really left. 

When the pandemic hit, I had a penny-drop moment. After talking it through with my partner I realised that if I didn’t at least try this, I would always regret it. I already had a degree so doing another wasn’t a feasible option. When I saw that Screen and Film School Brighton did a one-year diploma, I applied right away – it was a perfect fit for me. 

 What filmmaking experience did you have before enrolling on the course? 

I did a Film Studies module as part of my degree but that was entirely theoretical, so it didn’t really help with the ‘making’ side of things – although it didn’t hurt either. I also made a few short videos with a camcorder or my phone just for fun but nothing like the kind of things I ended up learning on the Diploma course.  

What were the most valuable things you took from the course?  

Wow, there’s so much value packed into this course, where do I even start? It sounds like a cliche, but you really do get back what you put in and if you’re an active and involved student, there is so much going on at the school to take advantage of. 

Firstly, there’s the course content itself – jam-packed with everything you need to know to get started with filmmaking. From cameras to lights, sound to story, performance to production and a hundred other things. 

Then there’s access to kit. The school has a kit room overflowing with industry-standard gear you can use on your shoots. 

On top of that, there’s the workshops and Masterclasses! Every month there’s an events schedule packed full of extra classes and webinars with industry heavyweights talking about their experiences working in film. 

The student intranet (Screen and Film School Connect) is a fantastic resource of information and a great way to network with people to collaborate on projects together. I’ve been really fortunate to work on loads of student films by simply putting myself out there. 

Lastly, probably the most valuable thing you get from coming to film school is the chance to meet other like-minded people who want to work in the industry too. This network of people is how you’ll get jobs in the future, so it’s always worth saying Hi and introducing yourself. 

What are your plans now that you’ve completed the Diploma? 

Now that the diploma is over, I’ve set myself up as a freelance filmmaker and applied for a Masters course. I’m going to keep on working, writing, shooting and networking. I don’t plan to stop until I reach my goal of writing and directing my own independent feature film. Then after that, I’ll make another one and another one and another one. 

I’m so happy that I decided to take the leap and change careers. It’s scary but it’s also exciting and the only way is up from here. 

If you’re inspired by Elle’s story and would like to know whether our Filmmaking Diploma is the right course for you, don’t delay! Apply now and take your first step towards career that you’ll love.  


Are you ready to tell your story?

For any questions regarding our courses or if you’d like more information on how to apply to Screen and Film School, please contact our Admissions Team on 01273 602070 or email [email protected]. 



BIMM University

BIMM University provides an extensive range of courses in modern music, performing arts, filmmaking, and creative technology to over 8,000 students across 14 schools in the UK, Ireland, and Germany. We have a long-standing commitment to providing the highest quality in creative industries education, allowing students to maximise their career potential in an inclusive community built on a culture of shared passion, creativity, and collaboration. Berlin | Birmingham | Brighton | Bristol | Dublin | Essex | London | Manchester