BIMM University / Filmmaking

Corporeality by Brad Hart: Shortlisted at the BFI Future Film Festival

9th May 2024

Join us as we follow the journey of filmmaking student Brad Hart, who was selected to take part in the prestigious BFI DIY Challenge earlier this year. 

I’d just finished a dress rehearsal for the local production of Robin Hood with the Cheshire Youth Pantomime society when my tutor, Judith, told me about the BFI Future Film Festival opportunity. In collaboration with FilmHubNorth, the competition challenged entrants to create a short sci-fi film on the subject of DIY. The prospect of potential mentorship from a BFI member and £1,000 for my next short film piqued my interest.

Dedication means multi-tasking

So, despite my demanding pantomime schedule and impending uni assignments, I threw myself into the project. During breaks and intervals in my schedule, I dedicated my time to crafting a plan, script, and synopsis for the film. Feverishly, I created countless individual sketches, compiled mood boards for inspiration, and began turning my living room into a makeshift spaceship.

I started blacking out my walls and fashioning a computer control panel out of a chopping board and a broken keyboard. I even improvised the ship’s window by propping up a large picture I’d bought off eBay for £5 with a broomstick (captured in a 0.36 second sequence in the film).

During that period, I was still working on the pantomime. I’d go home in between each show, assemble the set, and get to work again. On the final day of the panto show, I helped pack down at the theatre, getting home at 4am, then setting up to start shooting at 9am.

Teamwork makes the dream work

I was fortunate that my fellow student, Matthew Taylor, was around to act as first AD. He had previously worked with me on my music video for my Short Film 1 module, so I already knew we would work well as a team.

Big shout-out to my flatmate and his girlfriend for feeding us chicken nuggets and coffee to keep us going, and – of course – to the talent, star of the show and good friend Eric Nelson. Further kudos to Eric, who – despite being ill and not telling us! – persevered through bright lighting and long hours.

Over the following two days, I faced the task of editing, grading, and submitting the film. Working to a tight deadline was actually a thrilling challenge – certainly something to get used to working in the film industry!

I received the call two weeks later, learning that I had been shortlisted alongside 11 other filmmakers.

The BFI Future Film Festival screening

Seated in the cinema in Sheffield waiting for the screening of Corporeality to begin, I was struck by nerves. Would the technical elements look okay on screen? How will the audio sound? Do they have the right file? Thankfully, the screening was a success.

Cheered on by my family and friends, including fellow Screen and Film School student, Lewis Edwards, all of whom had come along to support me, I was awash with pride and relief to see my work on the big screen. Although I didn’t secure a win, the quality of the other participants’ films was awe-inspiring, and I was content with the acknowledgement of being shortlisted for my first festival submission despite the odds.

The entire experience was incredible; I cherished every moment of it. I look forward to embracing more challenges like this in the future and to feel that incredible buzz again and again throughout my career.

Watch now!



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BIMM University provides an extensive range of courses in modern music, performing arts, filmmaking, and creative technology to over 8,000 students across 14 schools in the UK, Ireland, and Germany. We have a long-standing commitment to providing the highest quality in creative industries education, allowing students to maximise their career potential in an inclusive community built on a culture of shared passion, creativity, and collaboration. Berlin | Birmingham | Brighton | Bristol | Dublin | Essex | London | Manchester